=========================================================================== == == == ** C H A M P I O N S O F K R Y N N ** == == == == C H A R A C T E R E D I T O R == == == == T E X T F I L E == == == =========================================================================== Screen size ~~~~~~~~~~~ If your amiga doesn't support pal, sorry this editor will not work for you. I don't think that should bother anyone in Australia anyway. Name ~~~~ If you have already loaded the editor and have noticed the name to appear like this : SONJA , don't worry thats the way it should be. Strength - Charisma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For these attributes you may enter any value between 1 and 99, regardless of what race or class your character is. Exceptional Strength ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may give your character exceptional strength between 0, meaning no exceptional strength, and 100. If you enter 100 for except strength it will appear as 00 in the game (because it doesn't allow for three digits). Whether you have an 18 in strength or not it does not matter, you can have except strength no matter what the strength number is. Race ~~~~ In the RACE menu there is an additional option being MONSTER. So if you want a monster in your party, go for it. Class ~~~~~ There are two extra classes I have found hidden in the character file, these being DRUID and PALADIN. Unfortunately there are no spells for a Druid in the file, shame.. However through my editor you may have multi class characters regardless of there race or sex ie you can now have a Fighter/Mage/Thief etc even if you are a human, the choice is yours. If you choose a KNIGHT you have a choice of, which you probably already know, Knight of the Crown, Knight of the Sword and Knight of the Rose. God ~~~ You may choose from the standard gods or if you wish you can become a renegade cleric (a cleric who has no god). HitPoints ~~~~~~~~~ This bit is a real prick because the game only lets you have a max of 255 hit points and the even bigger prick is that when you advance levels if you have say 250 hit points and you recieve another 6 from the advancement the bloody hit points will wrap around and go back to 1. I advise you not to seek advancement as there should really be no need after all just use my editor and set the level etc right first go. Mages ~~~~~ If you wish you can become a renegade mage (one who wishes no to take the test of high sorcery there for is not yet a true mage). The character will still be able to do what true mages can however he/she will not have specified robes. Alignment ~~~~~~~~~ You have a choice of the standard alignments plus 3 hidden ones as well. These are LAWFUL EVIL, NEUTRAL EVIL and CHAOTIC EVIL. So now you can have a black robed mage, pretty good hey. If you wish you may also have a LAWFUL EVIL KNIGHT, you are not restricted to the in-game combinations anymore. Character Level(s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can make your character up to level(s) 99, this is great for spellcasters as you will see because he/she now can memorise quite a few more spells. When you view your character and he/she has a level above 9 it will then only show the first digit, again because the game doesn't allow for double digits. Example if my character SONJA is a Mage/Cleric on levels 50/39 it will appear as 5/3 but in fact still be 50/39 OK. When memorizing spells, if your character has been set on a high level, the number of spells left that can be memorised will also appear wrong. This time the game only allows two digits where as if SONJA is as above 50/39 she might be able to memorise 169 spells in the first level of mage spells but it will appear like 16 so don't worry. Status ~~~~~~ If your character is ANIMATED, TEMPGONE, RUNNING, UNCONSCIOUS, DYING, DEAD, STONED or GONE, select HEAL on the menu and all will be good. If you are just injured slight HEAL will also restore Hitpoints. Spells ~~~~~~ Through my editor a mage can now be like a cleric, that is when memorizing spells they can choose from the entire list (instead of only the ones learn't). All clerics/mages/knights have these privalages. In making this editor I also found a handful of hidden spells which you might be interested in. These are : Mage spells Cleric spells =========== ============= Reduce Curse Protection from good Cause light wounds Protection from good 10' Rad Protection from good Bestow Curse Cause blindness Cause disease Bestow Curse Poison When you choose a Cleric, Mage, Knight or any multiclass with Cleric or Mage they automatically know every spell available to them including the above ones. But if the character level isn't high enough you won't be able to memorise the high level ones. Just have your level 8 or above and there will be no problem (you should know this anyway from your ADVENTURE'S JOURNAL), thats if you have the ORIGANAL. When you load up the game and view your characters, some spells will have numbers beside them, buggered if I know why but it doesn't affect the game anyway I think it could be because of the extra spells. Miscellaneous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was going to include ENCUMBERANCE and THAC0, DAMAGE and MOVEMENT but the game is to smart, it automatically changes them back to the right values. There could be a bug in the game as well because when I remove a character and do not write over the old one by changing the name before the game saves him/her off, it absolutely stuffed up my character. This could just be my version of the game I don't know anyway I suggest you check it out if you wish to load that character into my editor or else the editor wont recognise him/her and quit out. Note ~~~~ To load characters on this editor, make sure they are not currently in an adventuring party. If they are, select the remove function in C.O.K. for each character you wish to edit. If you use this method and remove ALL of the characters in your party, when you add them in again you will start at the beginning of the game. To stop this leave at least one character in the party, remove and edit the other five, add them back in and then remove, edit and add the last character in the party and all will be OK. Equipment ~~~~~~~~~ I haven't included this feature in my editor BUT don't despair because The Assassin and I are currently working on it. It should be coming out soon, as a seperate editor. It will be called "CHKREQED" so if you are interested, keep an eye open on this BBS.. *** I hope I haven't left anything out of this doc file. If you still have queries about my editor or you think you have found a bug please let me know. refer to the other file NOTICE enclosed in this archive. For those of you who have a COPY of Champions of Krynn and wish to have spell lists or whatever etc also refer to the file NOTICE. - DRAGON SLAYERS T.T. The Thief.